The reason for the suspension of senior Tory councillor Matt Binley (last Eye) can now be revealed, and it shines a light on the local police force.
A coroner has ordered the council to consider disciplining social workers after it admitted a string of safeguarding failures at an inquest last month.
The combined legal bills for the two sides in the long-running battle over the disputed felling of trees at Becky Addy Wood look set to exceed £675,000.
Labour's police, fire and crime commissioner declared in his election campaign last year: "There'll be no jobs for the boys on my watch." Guess what…
Officers said they couldn't supply information requested under FoI about the council's CEO's communications because he was using a "non-council device".
In 2022 Andrea Jenkyns said she was "not a proponent of elected mayors". Hey presto, now she is standing as a mayoral candidate for a combined authority!
Next issue on sale: 2nd April 2025
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