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Venetian Times: Doge takes over – government in chaos... Shoplifting hits Nurseryland... Assisted living bill runs into no problems at all... Exclusive to all newspapers: Rachel Reeves – what a disgrace!... Bishops – 'We had no idea this was taking place'... Israeli ironyometer explodes... Conspiracy update: attempted cat assassination special... TV highlights: The White Potus... Whither Bianca Censori?, as told to Craig Brown
Slicker remembers Adil Nadir
The transport secretary has been on a journey over Heathrow
Why Prince Andrew might have reasons to be cheerful

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Cash for chaos

TREBLES all round for the chief architects of the evisceration of the Care Quality Commission as they continue to drink from the eternal cup of public...
You won't believe what happened next…»

"THE narrative is that we're a clickbait organisation. Which we are not," Jim Mullen, CEO of publisher Reach, complained to the Sunday Times recently, in an...
Sainsbury's cashback »

LAST year's freebie brouhaha hasn't deterred Rachel Reeves from accepting more cash from one of Labour's wealthy donors. In January the chancellor took £15,000 from Lord...
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