June 2009
Black and white and read all over Posted by Adam Macqueen, 24th June 2009
Here’s a rum do. Ian Burrell, of the Independent, gets it bang-on about about the Eye’s digital strategy (or pointed lack of one).
But – writing just a couple of months back – he refers to the mag’s “monochrome presentation”. And when I mentioned this to someone else who probably looks at the magazine as regularly as Burrell does, his reply was “it is still black and white, isn’t it?”
Private Eye has been printed in colour for more than a decade now. Here – lovingly fished from a bin by me in the knowledge that they’d come in useful at some point – are some of the practice covers produced in March 1998 as the mag prepared to wave goodbye to black and white forever…
Next week: how much hacks on the Independent enjoy the Secret Diary of John Major and Jeff Bernard’s racing column in the Eye each fortnight…
Vicar demands more fucks Posted by Adam Macqueen, 22nd June 2009
Reverend George Pitcher misses the point of a joke and takes issue with the Eye’s last cover in his Daily Telegraph blog here.
Just to prove there’s no no-fuck policy, a quick reminder of December 1993.
And to prove there’s no objection to buggery in the Eye office either…
Hack falls to floor at Eye lunch shocker Posted by Adam Macqueen, 4th June 2009
A nice account of one of the fortnightly Private Eye lunches at the Coach and Horses in Soho from Iain Dale here.
Yes, alright, I’m only posting that because he says nice things about me…
The rather peculiar entry for Private Eye on that ever-reliable site Wikipedia states with some confidence that the lunch is known as “The Old Crappola”. They provide a reference for it and everything, so it must be true. Despite the fact that no-one at Private Eye has ever heard of the phrase…