£100 prize to the first correct solution opened on 28th March 2025.

1 Cut the woman's slinky move! (7)
5 Goodness comes from a lot of money, money initially lacking (5)
8 City: "Cameron's at variance" (10)
9 See 28dn.
10 Crew relieving wife from burden (5)
11 Under-performing during hot date causing division (7)
13 NRA could after shifting pot (8)
16 Rubbish females breaking into store (6)
18 Having erection after can cause trouble (4,2)
20 Still flipping crushing virtue? Sheer recklessness! (8)
22 City centre's gone (Conservative cuts)
– that'll do for me (7)
25 Mad – which shows there's something wrong (5)
27 Crack: "F— the police!" (4)
29 Say Republican's constrained by rampant conceit, just like Trump (10)
30 Angry talk when doctor shafts pig – perverse! (5)
31 Going on and on about temperature, er, in back passage (7)
1 Start to screw royal to cut the ice, so to speak (5)
2 One resistance soldier not giving a shit routinely? (9)
3 Bit of thigh and rest's disturbed, pet? (7)
4 Bishop's dropped from office – source of beef? (5)
5 Great to admit it's a big 'un (5-2)
6 Solitary unit between political extremes? (5)
7 See 15dn.
12 China was the first to back capitalist newspaper (5)
14 Trick action misfired – missing a ball (5)
15/7 Tony's lost the plot finally? So far, no (3,3)
17 Ignored, in disbelief – or got tense (9)
19 Action: corpses everywhere (7)
21 Have sex, wrapping chain on top of erect chopper (7)
23 Cringe about Bercow going topless (5)
24 Get to shag in Number ten – twice (5)
26 Technique in opening of skimpy top (5)
28/9 New 'tool' – sadly on which the finish is disappointing (3,4)