By Dr Phil Hammond
19th August 2021
The collected pandemic columns of Private Eye’s medical correspondent ‘MD’
Astute, compassionate and scientifically literate, 'MD' has guided Eye readers through each stage of the pandemic, from every perspective: global and national; political and personal.

In This Issue
Venetian Times: Doge takes over – government in chaos... Shoplifting hits Nurseryland... Assisted living bill runs into no problems at all... Exclusive to all newspapers: Rachel Reeves – what a disgrace!... Bishops – 'We had no idea this was taking place'... Israeli ironyometer explodes... Conspiracy update: attempted cat assassination special... TV highlights: The White Potus... Whither Bianca Censori?, as told to Craig Brown
RIP (off)
Slicker remembers Adil Nadir
Return flight
The transport secretary has been on a journey over Heathrow
Pitch fever
Why Prince Andrew might have reasons to be cheerful
Read these stories and much more - only in the magazine. Subscribe here to get delivery direct to your home and never miss an issue!

Slicker remembers Adil Nadir
Return flight
The transport secretary has been on a journey over Heathrow
Pitch fever
Why Prince Andrew might have reasons to be cheerful
Read these stories and much more - only in the magazine. Subscribe here to get delivery direct to your home and never miss an issue!

Super marketeer
Rachel Reeves's Sainsbury's cashback News, Issue 1643
Rachel Reeves's Sainsbury's cashback News, Issue 1643

Leaving gifts
The generous payouts to CQC execs In The Back, Issue 1643
The generous payouts to CQC execs In The Back, Issue 1643

Not OK computer
The papers versus AI Street Of Shame, Issue 1644
The papers versus AI Street Of Shame, Issue 1644