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Leaving gifts
The generous payouts to CQC execs In The Back, Issue 1643
The generous payouts to CQC execs In The Back, Issue 1643

Suffolk punch
EDF squeezes the government News, Issue 1642
EDF squeezes the government News, Issue 1642

Battle royal
Legal troubles for certain media outlets Street Of Shame, Issue 1642
Legal troubles for certain media outlets Street Of Shame, Issue 1642

In This Issue
Putin offers to act as bridge between warring US and Europe... Al Capone estate 'to sue'... Should we NOT build Gatwick before NOT building Heathrow?... Early 'April Fools' gag delights nation... Vance fury over Oscar result... Conspiracy update: AI special... Gold toilet theft grips nation... Who should be the next Blofeld?... Diary of a Tory chief whip, as told to Craig Brown
Potty Exmouth
Devon's sewage crisis
Normal for Norfolk
King Brian's Zelensky coup
Frost over
Sanctions on Russia aren't biting
Read these stories and much more - only in the magazine. Subscribe here to get delivery direct to your home and never miss an issue!

Devon's sewage crisis
Normal for Norfolk
King Brian's Zelensky coup
Frost over
Sanctions on Russia aren't biting
Read these stories and much more - only in the magazine. Subscribe here to get delivery direct to your home and never miss an issue!