Please note: we are no longer accepting entries for this crossword.

1 Cheers when multinational acquires USA resort (8)
5 Retiring pensioner welcoming sex in paved area (5)
9/21dn. Living provided by Mail? Second-class, awfully dear (5,5)
10 Pay too much for some lover's pendant (9)
11 Give a bollocking to Mark (4,3)
12 Mundane reasons for overturning US agency (7)
13 Be very critical about gutless party's childish habit (5)
14 Ex-world leader covers up finest broken political promises (9)
16 Neat, these bent politicians – Republicans mainly now (3,6)
18 Lord Owen's initial drunken drivel (5)
19 Apply drug at right time when in agony? (7)
21 Bishop rigged pulley to attain female missionary position (5,2)
23 Unseemly, shit Republican gets smack (4,5)
24 One who chats up Reform leader in broken-down lift (5)
25 Democrat-type houses cross (5)
26 Mature blend of rye? That's cheating (8)
1 Check car presented by Treasury head (5)
2 Maybe Andrew welcomes island power with liberal rule? (9)
3 A New York institution for no one in particular (7)
4 Treasury's coffers somewhat depleted – gulp! (5)
5 Deal in drugs before sick leave (4,3)
6 Energy hoarded by that bastard character (5)
7 Eton, for many a peer getting on coach (3,6)
8 Unstable person taking drugs, making comeback (8)
13 Peter Pan's bollocks, containing nothing that would be of use to a writer (9)
14 Ann Widdecombe finally in the shit, spiteful thing (8)
15 Plot involving Sun and Conservative way of doing things (9)
17 Just once, behave extremely lousily (7)
18 Dreary Adolf, not one to get involved with EU left (7)
20 A place to or maybe love, by the way (5)
21 See 9ac.
22 Strokes bottom of Tory scapegoat (5)